Over the next few days, 2014 Polity Conference participants are getting the chance to discuss the state of the church, share common concerns, learn about polity issues, and discern life together. Get a snapshot of their experience on Monday through several attendees. The conference runs Oct. 19–21.
They weren’t just kidding around at First Presbyterian Church of Decatur, Michigan.
When the Rev. Will Christians, pastor of the 125-member congregation in southwest Michigan, introduced Leonda Shroyer, chair of the church’s Christian education committee, to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, she and the whole Sunday school program really got moving.
What are you afraid of? That's what Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson asks writers who shy away from writing about faith.
In the late 19th century, Korea was still holed up in its 500-year-old cultural cocoon, hardened by a Confucian worldview which saw nothing worth learning outside the Confucian classics.
Kirk in the Hills. Kirk of Kildaire. What’s in a name?
Plenty, it would seem, for Presbyterians.
하나님의 부르심과 대면하여
에바 스팀슨, 장로교 사무 총회국 (OGA) 연락관
30년 전에, Katie Kelly Hopper와 그녀의 남편인 James Harmon Hopper는 달라스에서 있었던 Face to Face 행사—사역지를 찾기 위한 일종의 장로교 행사—에서 세 개의 소형 교회를 공동으로 섬기라는 부르심을 발견했다. 이것이 그들을 위한 첫 부르심이었다.
이 두 사람은 신학교 졸업반이었다. Kathie는 “우리는 Austin Seminary에서 운전해 갔습니다. 정말 좋은 경험이었습니다”라고 회고했다.
이번 여름, 일리노이주의 몬티셀로에서 임시 목회직을 끝낸 후, 그녀는 다시 Face to Face 행사에 참여했다. 인터넷을 통해 연결시켜주고 안내해주는 미국 장로교의 시스템인 Church Leadership Connection (CLC)에 의해 지원을 받은 올 해의 행사에는 디트로이트 총회 기간 동안 65명의 지원자들과 75개의 기관들이 참여하였다. …
In non-Muslim societies, a woman in a headscarf is often perceived as less approachable and sociable, according to past research, and some see the head covering as a means of repressing women.
In July the world came to the Latin American Biblical University (UBL). The Global Institute of Theology (GIT), a program of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), brought theology students and professors from 16 countries together on our campus in Costa Rica for three weeks of classes focused on the theme "Transforming Mission, Church and Community.”
If we want to save the world, humans must engage in 21 billion hours per week of gaming, world-renowned video game designer and futurist Jane McGonigal told an enthusiastic crowd of 150 today (Oct. 16) at the launch of San Francisco Theological Seminary’s Center for Innovation in Ministry.
The Rev. David Dobler remembers when – early in his ministry in Alaska – presbytery meetings were fraught with multicultural complications.
“When we came to Alaska, we went to a presbytery where no one spoke all the languages, Dobler tells the new Presbytery of the Northwest Coast at its second stated meeting here. “Anyone could call for a language caucus, go off, figure it out, and then come back together,” he notes of the Tlinglit, Inupiat, Aleut, Tsimshian and other Native Alaska tribes whose members comprised the congregations of the Presbyteries of Yukon and Alaska when he started in ministry 30 years ago.