There’s a small hill in the Jordan valley just north of the Dead Sea, on the eastern side of the river. What it lacks in size, however, it makes up for in biblical importance. For this is the place where, tradition tells us, Elijah was taken up into heaven — and where John lived in a small cave while he was carrying out his ministry of repentance and baptism.
Nearby is the site where many authorities believe that Jesus was baptized by John.
We are grateful to God for the opportunity and the responsibility to be in ministry at the intersection of life and death. We seek with all our minds, hearts and strength to “choose life” and celebrate when we can accompany folks from the brink of death to new life as happens with our partnership with CRREDA, a residential drug treatment center in Agua Prieta, Mexico, run by recovering addicts.
The Rev. Frank Yamada is no fan of “polarizing binaries.” They simply do not match his experience as a Japanese-American, raised in a nominally Buddhist home and converted to Christianity at age 19. And he doesn’t believe he’s alone.
Notes about people.
In the past, the LDS Church has said history isn’t clear on why blacks were banned from its all-male priesthood for more than a century.
Now it is.
El liderazgo humilde pero poderoso de Mandela inspira la lucha de la Iglesia por la justicia
Por Eva Stimson
Corresponsal, Oficina de la Asamblea General
Varios líderes presbiterianos reflexionaron sobre la vida y el legado de este humilde hombre que se convirtió en la figura destacada en la lucha por la justicia racial ya que dignatarios de todo el mundo se reunieron en Sudáfrica ayer durante un servicio en memoria de Nelson Mandela. Los líderes también se refirieron a la importancia de los esfuerzos de la iglesia presbiteriana para poner fin al apartheid.
Bill Somplatsky-Jarman asociado de la Iglesia Presbiteriana …
겸손하면서도 강력한 만델라의 리더십이 정의를 위한 교회의 분투에 격려가 되다
에바 스팀슨 (Eva Stimson), 장로교 총회 사무국(OGA)
어제 세계 각국의 고관들이 넬슨 만델라의 추모식을 위해 남아프리카에 모여드는 가운데, 몇몇 장로교 리더들은 인종 간의 정의를 실현하는 일에 거목이 된 이 겸손한 사람의 생애와 유산을 묵상해 보았다. 그들은 또한 인종파별을 종식시키기 위한 장로교의 노력이 얼마나 중요한지에 대해 언급하기도 했다.
투자를 통한 선교 책임부서MRTI)의 장로교 책임자인 빌 솜플라스키-자맨(Bill Somplatsky-Jarman)은 이 부서가 만델라와 다른 남 아프리카 사람들의 용기에 얼마나 고무되었는지, 그래서 은행들로 하여금 남 아프리카에 돈을 빌려주는 것을 멈추도록 압박하는 국제 에큐메니칼 노력에 어떻게 협력하게 되었는지를 떠올렸다.
그는 “우리는 유럽과 미국의 교회들과 협력하고 있었으며, …
The Synod of Alaska-Northwest has voted unanimously to merge the Presbyteries of Alaska and North Puget Sound (NPSP).
From the popular Engage curriculum line, the study Engage: Gospel is available for Spanish and Korean speakers.
Every Monday for the past eight months, like clockwork, the Rev. Frank Dew has sounded his rallying cry across the social media landscape.
“Let's go to Raleigh!’ reads a representative post to the Salem Presbytery pastors’ Facebook group June 23. “Leaving at 3:00 pm…for Moral Monday! What is happening in Raleigh is not who we are! We are better than that!”
Dew, pastor of New Creation Community Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, N.C., and chaplain at Greensboro Urban Ministry, an ecumenical outreach agency, was one of Salem Presbytery’s key leaders in the “Moral Monday” protests, a statewide civil disobedience movement.