Two doctrinal statements will be considered by the Assembly ― the Heidelberg Catechism of 1563 and the Belhar Confession, which was developed in the mid-1980s by South African churches as their theological response to the racism of apartheid.
Presbyterians for Earth Care will present their annual recognition awards at their annual meeting and luncheon at General Assembly on July 5. The William Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Tom Quigley of Glenshaw Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh and the Restoring Creation Award will go to Earth Covenant Ministries in Atlanta.
Twenty years ago, who would have predicted the 2012 U.S. presidential race would pit a black incumbent against a white Mormon?
A Jerusalem city councilwoman said she will work towards creating a forum of women under the city’s auspices that would cut across religious lines in order to fight growing religious extremism.
Ho Chi Minh — a city many still know as Saigon — is a place of bustling activity in southern Vietnam, with motorcycles flooding every intersection like so many bees swarming a hive. But the church in Vietnam is buzzing as well. It’s not in grand or beautiful cathedrals that one will see this activity of the Spirit at work, but dispersed across the city and the region in a network of house churches tucked away in small neighborhoods and out-of-the-way places.
In response to urging from the 2010 Assembly, the PC(USA)’s Board of Pensions (BOP) has announced that it will extend the same spousal and dependent benefits to same-gender domestic partners as it does to married plan members, effective Jan. 1, 2013.
On June 22, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology concluded with a strong call for action to evolve “transformative congregations” with moral courage to build an “economy of life” that focuses on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity.
Andrew Hamblin’s Facebook page is filled with snippets of his life. Making a late-night run to Taco Bell. Watching SpongeBob on the couch with his kids. Handling rattlesnakes in church. Hamblin, 21, pastor of Tabernacle Church of God in LaFollette, Tenn., is part of a new generation of serpent-handling Christians who are revitalizing a century-old faith tradition in Tennessee.
Mennonites in Canada and the U.S. are helping to build a crematorium in the village of Borabu, Thailand, where Christians have run into difficulties using Buddhist crematoria for funeral services.
El Tribunal Supremo ha ratificado el aspecto más controversial de la legislación anti inmigrante adoptada en Arizona. La sección 2(B), la provisión que permite a la policía que detenga o arreste a personas para verificar su estado migratorio, fue la única sección cuestionada bajo la provisión de que la ley federal está por encima de la ley estatal que fue confirmada por el Tribunal.