The Rev. Dr. Christian Boyd, stated clerk of the Presbytery of Milwaukee and member of the Advisory Committee on the Constitution, responds to questions during the 10th plenary on July 3, 2024 at the 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City.

The Rev. Dr. Christian Boyd, stated clerk of the Presbytery of Milwaukee and member of the Advisory Committee on the Constitution, responds to questions during the 10th plenary on July 3, 2024 at the 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City. Photo by Rich Copley

On Wednesday, the Assembly approved Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as the site of the 227th General Assembly. Milwaukee was selected from a pool of cities by the Committee on the Office of General Assembly (COGA) back in February. This location for the plenaries along with the recommendation to hold virtual committees prior to gathering as a whole assembly was sent to the General Assembly Procedures Committee for deliberation, a process which took time and energy.

The Rev. Dr. Christian Boyd, stated clerk for the Presbytery of Milwaukee, was present at the Assembly to receive the good news for Milwaukee. Boyd served on the Advisory Committee on the Constitution (ACC) during the 226th General Assembly, most notably during the plenary deliberations on POL-01, Recommendation 2.

The Presbytery of Milwaukee is abuzz with excitement as it prepares to host the 227th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),” said Boyd. “This vibrant presbytery, encompassing 41 congregations across 11 southeastern Wisconsin counties, is no stranger to hosting this significant event, having previously done so in 1992 and 1942.” Boyd also shared that Milwaukee had a distinctive Presbyterian history.

Boyd added that they “hope to shine a light on the whole state and the good and faithful witness of our sister presbyteries: Winnebago, John Knox, and Northern Waters.

Milwaukee plans to offer "full-service" hospitality, said Boyd: “The presbytery is eager to highlight its small but mighty Matthew 25 community, showcasing efforts to serve as Christ directs through supporting diverse congregations and leaders, fostering authentic relationships, and embracing collaborative leadership.”