In less than a month, hundreds of Presbyterians will gather in Baltimore for Big Tent. The meeting is being held August 1–3 and organizers say there’s still some space available.
“Big Tent registration is strong and continues to be open,” said Tom Hay, Associate Stated Clerk and Director of Assembly Operations with the Office of the General Assembly. “People making hotel reservations may soon find they are no longer able to get the special conference rates.”
Hay adds that while registration for adults remains open, the children and youth programs are now closed.
The conference is entitled “Called to a Movement Beyond Institution.” It hosts a number of opportunities for participants to engage with church leadership and special guests, including the Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
“It’s an opportunity for Presbyterians to gather to deepen connections while being equipped for mission and ministry in the 21st century. There are so many different possibilities for learning and growing, from the Bible studies and worship, to the hands-on activities, to the diverse learning opportunities,” said the Reverend Cindy Kohlmann. “While the General Assembly is where we create policy, procedure, and polity, Big Tent is where we learn how to live into our calling to the unique body of Christ called the PC(USA).”
Attendees will also have an opportunity to talk with the Co-Moderators at Big Tent.
“Cindy and I will be leading the last plenary at Big Tent, a dialogue opportunity titled ‘Sending Out: A Conversation with the Co-Moderators.’ The experiences and topics to be covered during Big Tent revolve around transformation and action, among other relevant areas that permeate church life and society at large. After such a rich event of learning and engaging, participants might find themselves asking, ‘what now?’” said Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri. “This last plenary intends to be a safe space for conversation and reflection, debriefing and processing. We invite attendees to join us as we pray, discern, and think about next steps, concrete steps, in being ‘called to a movement beyond institution.’”
“Big Tent 2019 offers an expanded way to connect with the Hands and Feet initiative, the Matthew 25 Invitation, and the call to be a denomination where all are welcome,” said Kohlmann. “Even if you only come to reconnect with friends in the family of faith, you will leave energized in spirit and excited for the ways we are being reformed together.”
Click here for more information about Big Tent and to register.