Nine Presbyterians who became Certified Christian Educators in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 2017 are the first group of certified educators who can now manage their certification-related information online rather than through paper forms.

At the beginning of 2018, a new and completely electronic data system was rolled out for educators who are working their way toward certification, those who are appointed by their presbytery to serve as an educator certification advisor, and those who have completed the educator certification process.

The new system eliminates the need for paper forms to record such certification requirements as work/volunteer experience, educational coursework, and examinations.

Within this new system, educators create an account that allows them to access their records from any computer or mobile device at any time. Updates to contact information and submission of requirements can be made by the user.

While certification requirements are verified by the manager of educator certification, the Educator Certification Committee (ECC) hopes that this will make communication and connection with educators more effective.

Jenna Campbell, an educator in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and moderator of the ECC, says, “This new system will allow us to know, on any given date, what courses are the most sought after and will provide the opportunity to target our work directly to those who need it. We are also looking forward to being able to make more connections to certified educators rather than just seeing them through the process and not providing any more communication. We hope to be able to continue to offer support in our shared ministries.”

All who are Certified Christian Educators or who have previously submitted an application to become a certified educator and who have not received instructions for creating an account in the new system should visit the educator certification website. Additional questions can be directed to Martha Miller, manager of ruling elder ministries and educator certification in the Office of the General Assembly.

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