God of heavy cross and empty tomb,
we pray for the people of Lahore, Pakistan.

Help and heal the wounded,
receive the dying into your embrace,
and comfort those who mourn.

Strengthen rescue and relief workers
who protect and provide for others 
in the midst of crisis and chaos. 

Give leaders the wisdom and determination
to understand the causes of hatred
and prevent it from gaining force.

Put an end to all violence and war,
and restrain the impulse
to use injustice to seek justice. 

Continue to pour out your mercy
upon the victims of violence in every place. 

Hasten the coming of the day
when all the world will know
that love is more powerful than fear
and life is stronger than death;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gradye Parsons
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Heath Rada
Moderator of the 221st General Assembly (2014)

Tony De La Rosa
Interim Executive Director, Presbyterian Mission Agency