In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I called for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ear.  - Psalm 18:6 

Too much death. Too much violence. One more young life taken. We grieve the news that a Palestinian teenager has been abducted and found dead in Jerusalem. The church condemns the actions of those responsible for this death and for all acts of violence.

We grieve with all families in Israel and Palestine who suffer the loss of children and the hope for the future that dies with them. We join the National Council of Churches in the United States of America, "We pray no one else, not a single Israeli or Palestinian, will die in this struggle.”

Join us as we pray for all those who weep this day…

Holy God,
yours is the beauty of childhood
and yours is the fullness of years.
Comfort us in our sorrow,
strengthen us with hope,
and breathe peace into our troubled hearts.
Assure us that the love in which we rejoiced for a time is not lost,
and that those who have been lost are with you,
safe in your eternal love and care.