Moderators and vice moderators have been selected to lead the fourteen committees that will handle the business of the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The committee leaders were chosen by the Reverend Neal Presa, Moderator of the 220th General Assembly (2012).
“I am delighted and grateful that these colleagues in ministry have accepted my appointment to serve the 221st General Assembly as committee leaders,” Presa says. “They offer gifts and skills to lead their fellow commissioners and advisory delegates in worship, prayer, discussion, and debate to collectively discern the heart and mind of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit for our life together.”
Presa chose the committee leaders from among the teaching elders and ruling elders elected by their presbyteries to serve as commissioners to this year’s assembly. The appointed moderators and vice moderators, Presa says, “bring to the 221st General Assembly a deep love for our Lord, his church, and the gospel, along with a wealth of experience, and they represent the rich diversity of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).”
The assembly committees and their leaders are as follows:
Bills and Overtures—moderator, Susan Orr (Genesee Valley); vice moderator, Raul Santiago-Rivera (San Juan)
General Assembly Procedures—moderator, Gene McEvoy (Maumee Valley); vice moderator, Gun Ho Lee (New Hope)
Middle East Issues—moderator, Stephen Choi (Newton); Ginny Sheets (Whitewater Valley)
Mid Councils Issues—moderator, Courtenay Willcox (Philadelphia); vice moderator, Don Frankland (Heartland)
Church Polity and Ordered Ministry—moderator, Judith Ferguson (Mission); vice moderator, Kath Stoner Lasala (Great Rivers)
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations—moderator, Jiihyun Oh (Greater Atlanta); vice moderator, John Vest (Chicago)
Mission Coordination—moderator, Linda Scholl (Mid-South); vice moderator, David Ealy (Salem)
Social Justice Issues—moderator, Dan Ponder (Flint River); vice moderator, Gloria Young (Grand Canyon)
Civil Union and Marriage Issues—moderator, Jeffrey Bridgeman (Santa Barbara); vice moderator, Rebecca Tollefson (Scioto Valley)
Peacemaking and International Issues—moderator, Jesus Sanchez Reyes (Tropical Florida); vice moderator, Karen Breckenridge (Seattle)
Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, and Presbyterian Foundation—moderator, Jack Shelver (San Diego); vice moderator, Monica Hall (Utah)
Theological Issues and Institutions—moderator, Quinn Fox (National Capital); vice moderator, Derrick McQueen (New York City)
Congregational Vitality—moderator, Robin Lyn Valdez (Grace); vice moderator, Veronica Cannon (Charlotte)
Immigration and Environmental Issues—moderator, Don Choi (San Jose); vice moderator, Stephanie Anthony (Twin Cities Area)
Read this article in Spanish. (Se nombraron los líderes de los comités para la 22va Asamblea General (2014))
Read this article in Korean. (제 221차미국장로교총회 (2014) 해당위원회리더명단)