Over the next few days, 2014 Polity Conference participants are getting the chance to discuss the state of the church, share common concerns, learn about polity issues, and discern life together. View some of their reflections shared on Tuesday. The conference runs Oct. 19–21.
“One of the gifts of being here was that even though it was about polity, we initially started looking at the 1001 New Worshipping Communities initiative and the New Beginnings program and what the PC(USA) is doing to build new disciples. We were already focused on that, but being in a room with people also doing that makes you want to go back and keep it up. I will go back with a renewed energy.”
Betty Meadows
Transitional General Presbyter, Presbytery of Charlotte
“Now I have more resources and a better understanding of our polity, which I will be able to share. I also believe that our meetings are going to be more focused. Time spent clarifying General Assembly amendments also was helpful, and I’ll take that information back so that our voting will be done more responsibly.”
Ana Victoria Eleutice Figueroa
Stated Clerk, Southwest Presbytery of Puerto Rico
“We are having our synod assembly this coming week and we are going to talk about what’s happening with mid councils. I’ll be able to offer some suggestions as to how we might proceed, and how we might open ourselves up to possible changes in boundaries. The types of conversations that people are having here make it very clear to me that one size doesn’t fit all, and that we have to be open to what makes sense to the region of the country where we reside.”
Nancy Talbot
Stated Clerk, Synod of the Northeast
“I was just offered my position and I’ll be starting in January. I definitely want to take what I’ve heard at this conference and apply that in discussions about synod restructuring and to help presbyteries that want to restructure. There are so many issues regarding whether we should restructure, how we should restructure, and what direction it should take.”
Blake Wood
Stated Clerk, Synod of Lincoln Trails
“I have an appreciation for the challenges that are coming with significant change and with attempts to rethink the institution. We have to remind ourselves of the importance of mission and relationships. We have to challenge ourselves to rethink how to be church from a grassroots level. I also have an appreciation for just how diverse we really are, how we are so distinct.”
Wendy Tajima
Interim Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of San Gabriel
“We’re currently without an executive and we are not going to be getting an executive any time soon. My job as stated clerk is becoming an interesting one because there are certain boundaries that I have. I think I’d like to bring back a message of hope to the presbytery. Even though we are going through some difficult situations, God is with us and we will move on through this and come out on the other side stronger.”
Lynn Smit
Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Plains and Peaks