Over the next few days, 2014 Polity Conference participants are getting the chance to discuss the state of the church, share common concerns, learn about polity issues, and discern life together. Get a snapshot of their experience on Monday through several attendees. The conference runs Oct. 19–21.

Eun Song at Polity Conference

“Where we are going has been the focus, and I’m glad for the opportunity to express myself. The key themes: preparation, transformation, and change. We have to expect something new. We have to decide to do something. We should expect movement and we have to make decisions.”
Eun Sung Cho
Executive, Presbytery of Midwest Hanmi



Kathy Goodrich at Polity Conference

“Everyone should get Phil Bergey’s presentation and talk to folks here. We have to be honest about the trends and the rapid changes in culture and church and humans. We’re not being honest about some of the deep lack of trust and how can we rebuild the fabric of trust. We’ve got to re-frame and see things from God’s perspective, and help our leaders and churches be transformed to be more like Christ and less focused on power and control.”
Kathy Goodrich
Co-General Presbyter, Presbytery of Yellowstone


Andy James at Polity Conference

“I’m hearing things that I’ve experienced, which is nice. The idea of active change and thinking about what change looks like in this day and age resonate. As one of the younger folks on the spectrum, I feel comfortable with the trends being described—concepts like big data, social media, and partnership networks. It’s been affirming, comforting, and hopeful.”
Andy James
Stated Clerk, Presbytery of New York City



Tamara Williams at Polity Conference

“The conversations that we have been having around the table have been very, very helpful, particularly regarding change and rebuilding trust. We are not unique, we are not alone. These changes we have to make are across the board. It’s very important to talk to colleagues and be in support of each other. It’s good each year to be able to find out what’s working. God is definitely doing a new thing. It’s tangible.”
Tamara Williams
Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Charlotte









Terry Newland at Polity Conference

“We’re not alone and we’re not new. Where we have gotten ourselves, we didn’t invent. What’s good about this kind of self-awareness is that it helps me understand where I am and why I am, and so now I’m able to use my energy and intellect to figure out how to get somewhere else. It helps me loosen up my personal assets from other struggles to be able to apply them to moving forward.”
Terry Newland
Executive, Synod of Living Waters


Sarah Moore-Nokes at Polity Conference

“I came out of curiosity and to network with folks who do work similar to mine. It’s always good to connect with folks who do the same work, and to have a place where you can talk about the highs and lows of what you do without having to explain the language. They get it.”
Sarah Moore-Nokes
Executive, Presbytery of Winnebago