On April 10 religious and secular groups are coordinating efforts to call for immigration reform. Local events are being planned across the country to uplift and support those in Washington, D.C., who on that same day who will be visiting with congressional representatives. YOU can join this movement by attending an event or planning an event in your community.
Ideas for local action can include: a public demonstration with speakers, visiting the local offices of your congressional representatives, writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper calling for reform, a prayer vigil and Bible study/discussion, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Download a copy of the Presbyterians for Just Immigration Logo (PDF) to use on your posters, t-shirts, or flyers. Then take photos and share on the FaceBook page for Presbyterians for Just Immigration.
Contact the office of immigration issues at 502-569-5007 or melissa.davis@pcusa.org for more information or support coordinating your event!