The Thoughtful Christian marketplace and resource center has recently released a brand new downloadable study for Lent. The study, titled “An Acceptable Fast: An Adult Lenten Study,” was written by Old Testament scholar and teacher Patricia K. Tull and designed for use over six weeks. Tull begins each session by locating the biblical verses in their original context and then exploring a key Lenten theme related to the text. Themes include: voice gratitude, take the long view, choose well, accept responsibility, welcome the future and trust God in times of conflict. Each session ends with a meditation on how the text speaks to our modern situation.

“Patricia Tull brilliantly works with the Old Testament lectionary texts for this year and draws out six themes of Christian discipline and reflection appropriate for the Lenten season,” said David Maxwell, executive editor of “While the study lends itself to group study and provides leader’s guides for each week, churches may choose to leave copies for members and visitors to take home and read during the week for their Lenten devotions.”

A leader's guide accompanies each handout and assists a facilitator in leading a 45-minute class utilizing the week's handout. A take-home question for reflection is also provided each week for participants' home Lenten meditation. This study explores the Old Testament readings for lectionary year C, although the themes explored through these scriptures are appropriate to address at any time during the Christian life. 

The Thoughtful Christian is an online marketplace and resource center that offers thousands of books and downloadable studies for groups and individuals. More information can be found at