The General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) leadership will have to explore the compensation ratios for all six of its agencies by the 220th General Assembly (2012) after the Assembly voted 530-96 Thursday to approve the report, “Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Compensation, Equity, and the Unity of the Church.”
The GAMC will also need to review the report from the GA Advisory Committee on Churchwide Compensation from the 213th GA (2001) that states employees’ pay shall demonstrate unity with other church agencies of the PC(USA), including congregations, presbyteries, synods and national levels.
The national economic crisis prompted the approval of other business brought by the Committee on Social Justice Issues A: The Promotion of Social Righteousness, including:
- A report to go to each congregation that directs three PC(USA) committees to develop a study assessing the long-term effects of the economic downturn on congregations.
- A statementurging the U.S. Congress to cap interest rates on credit card lending.
- A commitment of PC(USA)’s financial entities and governing bodies to prayerfully consider moving money out of large financial institutions that exploit consumers and report back to the next General Assembly (2012).
The Assembly also approved five overtures that dealt with discrimination against women and children and domestic violence in the United States and along the border with Mexico.
In other business the Assembly approved:
- A report to encourage the church to recommit its support of greater fairness in public education.
- An overture to “protest the blatant disregard for the sanctity of our Lord’s name in motion pictures and public broadcast by the entertainment industry.”
- The promotion of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the first social creed of the PC(USA) with a booklet and celebration during the Big Tent in 2011.