Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully
One Theology of Ministry

Have you noticed there is now one single ordination and installation service for deacons, ruling elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament? The Rev. Dr. David Gambrell, associate for worship in the denomination’s Office of Theology and Worship, explains:
“You’ll see that an important theological and structural difference [from the previous version] is that there aren’t separate ordination liturgies for deacons/ruling elders and ministers of Word and Sacrament as in the 1999 Book of Occasional Services. We wanted to emphasize that there is one theology of ministry and one service of ordination.”
Dr. Rebecca Davis, professor of Christian education and director of the masters of arts in Christian education program at Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Charlotte campus, was recently featured on Along the Road, a podcast about faith and leadership for PC(USA) ministry leaders. Davis said that the Directory for Worship, in the Book of Order, sets a pattern for us outlining the theological reasoning behind our practices and provides a framework for us to better understand “who we are as theological beings and, in particular, as Reformed and Presbyterian people of faith.”
Have you thought of yourself — a ruling elder — as a theological being or your ministry as a ruling elder as part of one theology of ministry?
Of course, seminary training is not required to serve as a ruling elder, but training and ongoing education are essential for your formation in this ministry. While you may have received training within your congregation or through your presbytery, consider challenging yourself to continuing the necessary formation to faithfully live out your call.
As one method of ecclesial formation, Davis encourages picking up the Directory for Worship (W-1.01—W-5.04) and approaching it like a theological text, one that you are reading for formation, not just for information.
Whether you are a newly ordained ruling elder or a seasoned one, read and reflect on the following passages so that they may bring a deeper understanding of your ministry as a ruling elder and a crisper response to your call to ministry.
W-3.0303: Scripture
“The public reading of Scripture is to be clear, audible, and attentive to the meaning of the text. Reading from the church’s Bible conveys a sense of permanence and weight of the Word of God, and demonstrates the communal nature of the biblical story ... Because deacons are charged with the ministry of witness to the gospel and ruling elders are responsible for the proclamation of the Word, it is fitting for a deacon or ruling elder to read Scripture.”
W-3.0308: Prayers of Intercession
“Because pastors are called to serve as good shepherds for God’s people, it is fitting for a minister of the Word and Sacrament to lead the prayers of intercession and supplication. Because deacons are responsible for ministries of compassion and ruling elders are charged with the nurture of the congregation, it is also fitting for a deacon or a ruling elder to lead these prayers.”
W-3.0502: Blessing and Charge
“The Service for the Lord’s Day concludes with a ... blessing, [and because it] is an expression of the gospel of God’s grace and an extension of the ministry of the Word and Sacrament, a minister of the Word and Sacrament ordinarily speaks the blessing ... The charge calls the church to go forth as agents of God’s mission in the world. Because deacons are responsible for the church’s ministry of witness and service, and ruling elders have oversight of the church’s faithfulness to God’s mission, it is fitting for a deacon or ruling elder to speak the charge.”
For Reflection:
- How might you engage with the theology and responsibility of proclaiming the Word more intentionally within the church or in your daily life at home?
- How do you understand the connection between pastors, deacons, and ruling elders in leading prayers? How does developing and deepening your personal prayer life prepare you for the ministry of leading public prayer?
- How might you go about preparing yourself to not only speak the charge but to prepare a charge that calls the congregation —your family — to go forth as agents of God’s mission in the world?
valerie izumi is a ruling elder serving the Office of the General Assembly as an assistant stated clerk, coordinating the General Assembly nominations process.
Throughout 2023 and 2024, monthly Regarding Ruling Elders articles will alternate between a deep dive into the ways ruling elders discern and measure the life of a congregation through the ministry of members and stories about how ruling elders are using their call and gifts as they move within and beyond the walls of the congregation.
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