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Presbyterian News Service

During a UN chapel service, mission co-workers ask God to ‘guide us’

The Revs. Nancy and Shelvis Smith-Mather advocate for prayers and peacebuilding in war-ravaged South Sudan

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July 14, 2023

Scott O’Neill

Presbyterian News Service

The Revs. Nancy and Shelvis Smith-Mather are pictured at Oxford University, where Shelvis was studying for graduate degrees using research he's completed over a decade as a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-worker.

LOUISVILLE — Presbyterian Mission Agency mission co-workers the Revs. Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather are in the United States this week to meet with several entities at the United Nations to create awareness around the critical needs of those living in South Sudan under the barrage of continued violence and near-civil war. Hosted by the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, the Smith-Mathers led the Thursday morning chapel service for a group of in-person and online worshippers via Zoom.

Anthony Harris, a seminarian and intern with PMUN, called the group to worship reading from Psalm 63:1-4. A summer fellow with PMUN, Kayla Hawkins, followed with a litany taken from Psalm 15:1-5 before Shelvis taught worshipers a simple South Sudanese song, “Guide Us Lord We Are Here,” which helped center the worshipers for the day’s message.

Nancy then read from the gospel of Luke, chapter 9, verses 57-62:

“As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’

“Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.

He said to another man, ‘Follow me.’

“But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’

“Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.

“Still another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’”

“I’ve never understood that passage or cared for it. How can a person who’s doing good need it and expect it won’t be out of sync with God’s calling?” said Shelvis. “To be honest, I put this passage in the ‘never will I preach’ file. I’m left questioning why does this passage feel so harsh, uncomfortable and rude? Why is Jesus in this passage seemingly less compassionate than he was two pages earlier?”

To gain clarity on those questions, Shelvis said he turned to a “great” theologian — Dr. Suess. He read from the 1955 children’s book, “On Beyond Zebra!,” which adds 20 additional letters to the conventional alphabet.

“Dr. Seuss is pushing us to look beyond the good and expected things and see something we may not have thought about before,” said Nancy.

The tale of a young South Sudanese man helped her to rethink the impact of the gospel passage. She shared the story of Daniel, an aspiring teacher, in the context of educational challenges within South Sudan, including the fact that South Sudan is the third-least literate country in the world. Most teachers there are volunteers who lack formal training. Most schools are under trees or in temporary shelters, against a backdrop of violence and decades of war.

At age 11, Daniel used to wake up at 4 o’clock each morning to walk three hours to reach the village school, then walk three hours home every day with no food or water along the way. He convinced his family to let him move to a refugee camp in Ethiopia so he could continue school, but was forced to flee when violence erupted there.

He eventually received a high school education in Uganda and was awarded a scholarship to attend the Teacher Training College in South Sudan. While there, violence broke out in his hometown twice, threatening the safety of his wife and children.

“It would have been good and expected for Daniel to stop being a student and come home to protect his family,” said Nancy. “But Daniel felt the rare opportunity to become a teacher was God-given. So, he relied on his community and church family to take care of his loved ones so that when he finally came back, he could provide his community with a trained teacher. He felt God calling him to be something different, something beyond what was expected.”

The Smith-Mathers are at the United Nations this week to discuss the refugee crisis occurring because of the conflict along the Sudan-South Sudan border.

The Smith-Mathers began their calling in South Sudan in 2010. Their work as mission co-workers was interrupted less than a year later when the call came to be a caregiver for Shelvis’ mother, who battled cancer and endured two transplants.

“I have worked in South Sudan during times of civil war and constant insecurity, but caregiving for someone losing their battle with cancer was by far the most difficult ministry I’ve ever been a part of,” said Nancy. “Life is filled with seasons, and some will be called to good, needed, and expected work. And there are other times there will be a ministry we’re called to step into that is hard to even imagine.”

“However you feel called, this is your call,” her husband said. “Certainly, what God is calling us to is challenging, because what you’re expected to do with others or by yourself might seem good, might seem expected, but it might not be in accordance with what God’s calling you to do at that time.”

Like Daniel, Shelvis noted that perhaps God is calling you in a manner not widely accepted and understood.

“You know that ultimately your efforts will have greater impact on your family and community, but to do so you must be laser-focused on your mission. Keep moving forward, keep your hand on the plow and don’t turn back. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I can’t wrap my mind around it, but I trust him. So, guide me, Lord!”

The Smith-Mathers will continue their work at the United Nations this week, informing the UN community about their response to the refugee crisis resulting from the current conflict. They will meet with member states, agency staff, international nongovernmental organizations, and the ecumenical community to discuss their work of peacebuilding and reconciliation for the people of South Sudan.

Contributions to the PC(USA)’s efforts to directly support our partners in Sudan can be made by gifts to DR000097- Sudan, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s crisis response and recovery initiatives in Sudan.

To support advocacy efforts in the region, contributions can be made to E052152, the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and the Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C.


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Topics: Advocacy and Social Justice, World Mission