Today, March 30, is a National Call-In Day to Protect Health and God's Creation. Ask your Senator to support chemical policy reform. The following message was sent from the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program:
This past week, I accompanied people of faith from different parts of the country to meet with their legislators. They shared stories of concern about toxic chemicals harming our communities. One United Methodist pastor from Arlington Heights, Illinois said that in her thirty years of ministry, she is doing more and more cancer-related funerals for people old and young. She believes these cancers are due in part to toxic chemical exposures that build over time.
As people of faith, we are called to protect the most vulnerable members of society (Matthew 25:45) and ensure a world fit for generations to come (Genesis 9:12). We are also called to protect the health of all Creation.
Unfortunately, our 35-year-old national chemical policy is not sufficiently protecting “the least of these” or God’s Creation. In fact, only 200 of the 84,000 chemicals in commerce have been fully tested for safety. These chemicals are used in everyday goods like cleaning products, furniture, and children's toys. Some common chemicals have been linked to cancer, diabetes, asthma, learning disabilities, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Please call your Senator and ask for comprehensive chemical policy reform that reflects justice for God’s people and Creation. See call-in details and the Senator that you should reach out to below.
In Christ,
Shantha, National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program
When: Wednesday, March 30th
Call in number: 1-888-784-0527
Call Script: “Can I please be connected with (name of Senator - see list below) office?” (This may take a moment.)
Once you are connected with that office: “Hi, I'd like to leave a message about chemical policy for the Senator.” Once you reach the staffer or a voice mail, say “Hi my name is_______ and I am from _____ (city, state). As a person of faith, I am really concerned about protecting people and God’s Earth from toxic chemicals, some of which scientists have found can be harmful even in low doses. Any policy should protect the most vulnerable, including children, workers, low-income communities, and communities of color. Please make reforming our nation’s chemical policy a priority this year.”
Who to Ask for, by State:
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