Ministry Announcement
A letter from Charles and Melissa Johnson preparing to serve in Zambia
Dear friends,
Over the past few years God has been patiently calling us to mission service in Africa and has recently provided us with an opportunity to answer the call. It is with great joy and excitement that we announce we have been appointed as mission co-workers to Zambia through the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We will be living in Lundazi, in Eastern Zambia, where Charles will be working as a development specialist with our partner church, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), Synod of Zambia.
For Charles, this is an opportunity to use his education and experience in agriculture, collaborating with others in participatory community development to improve agriculture, as well as nutrition, public health, sanitation, and water, in an effort to reduce poverty and its impact. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” Much of Charles’ work will center on the Chasefu Model Farm located at Chasefu Theological College. Charles looks forward to building relationships in Zambia and working alongside our partners for the glory of God. God has given Melissa a voice and a heart for “the least of these,” and she knows she is called to advocate against the injustices that so many women and children face on a daily basis. Melissa knows God will lead her to exactly the right place at exactly the right time. She is confident that opportunities to work for justice with women and children will present themselves in Zambia.
As we begin orientation in Louisville, Kentucky, we ask you to walk with us on our journey, carrying out God’s mission in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Zambia. We invite you to consider how you might become a part of that journey through the resources God has given you—your energy, your prayers and your money. Regardless of how you support us, please let us know you are praying for us and those we serve, as we will be praying for you. This will give us all continued strength on the amazing journeyto which God has called each of us.
From November 2015 through February 2016 we will visit churches, presbyteries, and other groups to share the stories of our call and the work of our partner church we’ll be joining in Zambia. The format can be as simple as an informal gathering over coffee, or as formal as guest speaking during worship. We would like to schedule a time to visit with you before we leave the U.S. and we will contact you to see if a visit is possible during that time. In the meantime, will you please contact Melissa at, and provide the name of a contact person, his or her phone number, mailing address and preferred email address? We look forward to seeing you!
Please note that we will be receiving a salary during this time of itineration, so an honorarium is not necessary. However, the hosting congregation generally covers travel and is asked to provide meals and lodging; homestays work well. Travel expenses can often be shared between two or more congregations in the same general area, and Presbyterian World Mission is able to help in some cases. Please feel free to contact us about your specific situation. We would like to speak to any church that wishes to have us.
We thank you for your support and hope you will join us on this shared journey and new beginnings in our lives. Together we will work to fulfill God’s mission in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Zambia. We will be in touch through letters and other media and we look forward to hearing your ideas and reflections as well.
Peace be with you.
Charles and Melissa Johnson
2 Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, Zambia,p. 154, 155