In December 2014, the Presbyterian Hunger Program hosted a reflection-action trip in Lima, Peru with our Joining Hands partner networks in Peru and Bolivia, learning, marching, and observing as the major leaders of the world gathered in Lima for the United Nations’ Conference on the Parties (COP-20).
PC(USA) continues to work for climate justice, and will follow the December 2015 UN talks in Paris. A few possible climate action steps and learning opportunities are below.
- November 29, find a climate event near you (anywhere in the world!) In the US, you can also check the People's Climate March site for climate marches.
- Send your thoughts digitally for the Climate Ribbon Project!
- Ask for funding for Green Climate Fund, in relation to Pope Francis' visit to the US this fall. Read helpful article on Green Climate Fund here.
- Sign the Faithful Climate Petition
- December 3, host a prayer service at home, as international ecumenical participants in COP 21 with gathering for worship at Notre Dame in support of the climate talks
- December 6, churches across Paris will ring church bells in honor of the UN climate negotiations in Paris. Consider using special music, or ringing your church bells, to symbolize your solidarity around the world for effective climate action!
- December 12, mass mobilization in Paris, so that people's movements have the "last word" at the UN climate talks.
- Commit yourself to personal climate justice actions, such as eating organic, local and sustainable food, reducing meat intake, not wasting food, reducing energy consumption at home/work/school/church, investing in renewable energy with your personal finances, support an energy audit at your church, and so much more! Follow just, sustainable practices in your own lifestyle at: Enough for Everyone/Just Living.
- Ask President Obama and Congress to take stronger climate action before Paris 2015, with a Faithful Call to Address Climate Change.
- Advocate for faithful public policy on environmental concerns:
- Keep connected to the Joining Hands campaigns on extractives, water, and climate in Peru and in Bolivia
- Find documents, meeting schedules and more on this and future UNFCC COP meetings: UNFCC web site.
- Read about some organizations' perspectives on getting a global agreement on climate change at Paris 2015 COP meeting.
- Reflection-Action trip participants and global partners' Statement on Climate Justice
- Read about World Council of Churches efforts on climate change in advance of COP 21
- Clergy are invited to sign a Clergy Climate Letter
- Learn more about grassroot Presbyterian Fossil Free PCUSA movement to ask the denomination to divest funds from fossil fuel companies. Individuals and congregations are considering divestment as the MRTI committee of the denomination studies the General Assembly 2014 overture on divestment.
- Green Climate Fund- one of the biggest actions we encourage Presbyterians to take prior to the Paris December 2015 United Nations Conference on the Parties (COP) 21 is to ask Congress to pass a proposed budget of $500 million for climate adaptation. Faith leaders have signed a letter asking for this, and we will create opportunities for individual Presbyterians and churches to also add their voice. What can you do? Act now to pass the U.S. commitment to the Green Climate Fund!
- Presbyterians Learning in Lima (posted Dec 5)
Trip Reflection from Colleen Earp (posted Dec 10)
Glacier! by Colleen Earp (posted Dec 10)
The Hard Work of Justice (posted Dec 15) - A Letter from Jed and Jenny (posted Dec 17)
- What Leads to Change? (posted Dec 18)
- Blog posts from Trisha Tull at "Inhabiting Eden" (Dec 22 and more)
- More information on La Oroya, "From Short-term Mission to Global Discipleship: A Peruvian Case Study" (by Hunter Farrell)
- PowerPoint Presentation on the Trip (by Rebecca Barnes)- click here
- (For a PDF of the powerpoint by Rebecca, click here.)
- Climate of Conflict in Peru reflection by Sue Smith, includes link to great slideshow!
- People For Our Planet, photo/story blog
" target="_blank"> Video of the Peru trip, from Joe Tobiason, Music:
Climate Change
- ">Climate Change, Peru: Retreating Glacier (5 minute video, World Bank)
- Climate Change Exacerbates the Impacts of Extractive Industries (article, JusticeUnbound)
- World´s Leading Institutional Investors…Call for Carbon Pricing (article, CERES)
- People´s Summit on Climate Change (webpage, Peru Civil Society platform for COP20)
- The Power to Change: U.S. Energy Policy and Global Warming (PCUSA policy)
- Guide to Going Carbon Neutral (PCUSA)
- Environmental Ministries (webpage for Presbyterian Environmental Ministries Office)
- Religions for Climate Justice: International Interfaith Statements, 2008-2014
Environmental Degradation from the Extractive Industry in Peru
- ">House of Lead: Story of Greed (10 minute video, Joining Hands)
- ">Seeking Justice in Peru (5 minute video, PC(USA))
- ">Spirit of Power (6 minute video, CAMBIALO/Joining Hands)
- 200 Social Conflicts in Peru Every Month (article, TeleSur)
- Social Conflict in Peru´s Mining Sector (article, Economist)
Recent report:
Excessive Rights for Foreign Investors
- Coup d´Etat to Trade Seen in Billionaire Toxic Lead Fight (article, Bloomberg News)
- Trade Agreements vs. Democracy (article, Sojourners)
- ">Global Investment Rules: Threat to Democracy and Environment (10 minute video)
- Support Trade Reform (webpage, JH campaign resources)
- ">Shedding Light on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (50 minute JH webinar)
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