Presbyterian congregations all across the country have been caring for God's creation in their worship life, educational programs, facilities, and outreach. For many this is an ongoing part of their Christian vocation lived out in the world and it happens year-round.
Earth Day (April 22) is a special day to reflect about why we care as Christians about eco-justice. While not a religious holiday, Earth Day this year fell on a Sunday and church communities had something to say about it! Whether using the Earth Day Sunday materials developed ecumenically each year (through the National Council of Churches), or creating their own, congregations engaged this national observance through their own Christian faith.
Forest Hill Presbyterian Church (a PCUSA certified Earth Care Congregation) , which has long maintained a community garden and offered a Lenten educational program this spring (with locally grown and prepared food), had a special adult education session on Earth Sunday.
Members of the congregation's Green Team shared wisdom and reflections on (1) national energy issues (oil, NG and fracking, wind, solar); (2) household energy efficient activities in lighting and heating/AC; (3) food and environmental kitchen choices; and (4) household and muny recycling. Also, one of the Green Team members (who had installed a solar panel array) discussed the solar project installation and results so far. 40-45 church members attended this wonderful opportunity.
We celebrate with Forest Hill for a great discussion of how we are disciples of Christ in a global world and for their witness to caring for all creation.
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