From the Presbyterian Hunger Program's Food and Faith blog about a new program - Food Justice Fellows - that is accepting applications until February 28.
Do you get angry that we grow more than enough food for everyone but so many go to bed hungry?
Does the thought of building bonds and direct links between farmers and eaters stir you up?
Are you already a food justice-maker?
Does the idea of building oases of fresh, healthy food in "food deserts" get you excited?
Have you heard of food sovereignty?
Is your longing for justice - for your neighbor and all people - rooted in your faith?
Yes to one or more of these means you may have the agrarian and spiritual muscle and bones that Food Justice Fellows are made of!
This is a new initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program to strengthen the work of Presbyterians and communities working to build just, equitable and sustainable local food economies in the U.S. and around the world. We have seen that by strengthening localized food systems, which are controlled by the producers and consumers themselves and based on Christian principles of justice and stewarship, communities are able to become more self-reliant and economically prosperous.
Food Justice Fellows will work individually as organizers in their region, but be strengthened as a national communal body by exchanging their experiences of what is working and visions for how to move forward. By virtue of being a community of practice, Fellows and PHP staff will be able to update each other on the U.S. and global food sovereignty movement and stay connected with common ground initiatives inside and outside the church. Food Justice Fellows will provide each other with mutual support, accountability and camaraderie.
Consider becoming a Food Justice Fellow and/or passing this information to a young (or young at heart) adult who would be great for this. Applications from lay and ordained leaders from the African American, Latino and Asian communities are particularly encouraged.
Learn more here.
P.S. And you definitely don't need to be a 'fellow'! (there just aren't great options - cohort, comrade, compeer, bloke. Food Justice Blokes. Naw. Cohorts is actually pretty good...)
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