Why We Do What We Do

SDOP is the reaction of a church that knows the call to love your neighbor as yourself; “whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” The church that claims to love kindness, do justice and walk with the God who walks with the poor. We are who we are and do what we do because God has called us to embody the Word in the power of the Spirit who once called the prophets, the example of the Lord and his indescribable passion for justice.


What does the Lord require of us but “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”? During a time of scarcity, it is important to remember that God’s love is abundant and that we are to care for those who are unable to provide for themselves. We will be measured by how we loved the least among us and in reaching out we will once again see the face of our Savior.


Motive matters. Foundation is crucial. The ministry of SDOP is driven, not so much by who the recipients are, but by who we are — faithful and generous followers of Jesus. Through giving consistent with our criteria, our identity is to follow the lead of Jesus who looks upon everyone as a valued child of God, worthy of God’s good gift of life abundant. Such is our foundation and motive.


The gospels tell us that Jesus fed and healed Jews and non-Jews, “insiders” and outcasts, men, women, and children. And Jesus calls us to “go and do likewise,” to reach out with compassion to our neighbors in need, whoever they may be. I’m so grateful and excited that we can respond in tangible and effective ways in partnership with Christ and our neighbors through our One Great Hour of Sharing offering, which supports the life-giving PC(USA) ministries of the Hunger Program, Disaster Assistance, and Self-Development of People.