Celebrating 10 years of grassroots ministry
The Eco-Stewards Program is a community that shapes young adult leaders through environmental action, faith formation, vocational discernment and place-based learning. Growing out of Presbyterians concerned about earth care and committed to outdoor education and camping, this informal network of Presbyterian and ecumenical young adults has gathered annually to share faith journeys, experience God's creation, and learn about local environmental and social justice issues in a particular area of the country. Past programs have been located in rural West Virginia, Montana’s Crow Reservation, Boston/Vermont, Portland, Oregon and Gainesville, Florida. Eco-Stewards' past participants have been camp staff, seminary students, young adult volunteers, and those interested in the intersection of environmental and faith work. Presbyterians for Earth Care has long supported Eco-Stewards, as have relationships with Environmental Ministries, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Camp and Conference Ministries of the PC(USA).
Last week, in Livingston, Montana (and on the Crow Reservation), a number of leaders, past hosts, and alumni gathered to reflect on the journey and to think about the future. It was a great gathering of new ideas, focused brainstorming, and future direction in a beautiful setting. The group hiked, sung, prayed and shared meals together as well as telling individual eco-faith journeys.
The visioning team included people who have been involved since the original 2005 brainstorming session at Menucha Camp and Conference Center near Portland as well as brand-new folks to give an outsider's viewpoint. Sleeping in bunk beds in rustic cabins, enjoying the warm sun in the afternoon and the crisp, cool mountain air in the evening, participants worked hard in daytime hours, rotating leadership and brainstorming everything from finances to locations to content to structure. The group anticipates a great year of building alumni, planning for a summer 2016 Eco-Stewards event, and continuing to put leadership structure in place for longer-term sustainability.
Blessings to past, present and future young adult Eco-Stewards as you seek to live out your faith and care for God's earth!
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