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Earth Day Sunday 2015

"Have you anything here to eat?" 
Sustainable Food in a Changing Climate

Earth Day Sunday 2015 resource

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we commit to daily living out our faith. We do this individually, in community with one another, and with the rest of God’s creation. On this Earth Day Sunday, we reflect in particular on how climate and food concerns impact us. How does food production and consumption impact the climate? How does climate change affect growing and accessing food?

Find our Earth Day Sunday 2015 resource both as a Presbyterian download (look on the right side of the page for the link), and also find extra links, Children's Sermon, theological themes, liturgy suggestions, adult and youth education suggestions. Each year, Creation Justice Ministries (formerly National Council of Churches' Eco-Justice Program) produces an ecumenically-sourced Earth Day Sunday resource. This year it was written by Rev. Carol Devine (Christian Church/Disciples of Christ) and Rev. Rebecca Barnes (Presbyterian Church, USA).

Earth Day Sunday 2015 Rebecca teaching at FPC Urbana

Using Earth Day Sunday materials, Rev. Rebecca Barnes celebrates an Earth Day Sunday with FPC Urbana (IL)


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