As we continue to celebrate Easter and feel the hope and joy of Christ's resurrection, let us continue on our journey that started as Treading Lightly for Lent.
The last action on the "Tread Lightly for Lent" calendar read:
"Contemplate the environmental lifestyle changes that you have made throughout Lent, and make a plan to integrate these into your life in the long term. Share about your journey with friends and family." What will you continue that started during your Lenten journey? Is there anything that you learned that stuck with you?
Ideas For Further Learning and Action
• Sign up for the Eco-Notes e-newsletter from Environmental Ministries.
• Lead a study on the biblical and theological basis for eco-justice at your church with resources from Environmental Ministries.
• Look into serving fair trade coffee through the Presbyterian Coffee Project at your church.
• Organize a light bulb swap to change out incandescent light bulbs with CFLs in a low income neighborhood. The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program has tips for this.
• Find a more complete list of ideas for church earth care activities in the Earth Care Congregations guide.
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