Hillsborough Presbyterian Church is certified as a PCUSA Earth Care Congregation ((from left) Robin Bedingfield, Pastor Bob Brizendine, and Stewardship Moderator Diana Montgomery)
First-year certified Earth Care Congregation Hillsborough Presbyterian Church (NC) is a small congregation, preparing to celebrate their 200th anniversary in September of 2016. Earth Care team member Robin Bedingfield writes, “While we don’t own much property - only a 10-foot perimeter around our buildings, and we deal constantly with both the blessings and limitations of a 200-year old sanctuary and 60-year old Christian Ed building, we are committed to being good stewards of our church and home lives. We are excited to be part of the Earth Care Congregation movement—and if WE can become certified, ANYONE CAN!”
Among their many achievements, Hillsborough Presbyterian Church recycled approximately 200 lbs of electronic equipment and completed a seven-week study of North Carolina Council of Churches’ curriculum on Eating Well.
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