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Explorations in Just Living

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Welcome to the blog of the Enough for Everyone program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). By "just living" we mean both justice-based living and just simply living – freeing ourselves from the clutter of stuff so we can focus on living faithfully and living well. Join us in the exploration!

About the Author
Bryce Wiebe coordinates Enough for Everyone, a ministry of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. He loves slow food and is fascinated by the way things are made.  He is excited to dive into experiments in simplicity with you.  His sacred cow of consumption: kitchen gadgets.

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May 12, 2014

Simply Summer

The summer season will soon be upon us, which means sunshine, warmth and, for many, a vacation. There are many who will spend over $1,000 per person on their summer travel plans. For those attempting to live with a smaller economic and ecological footprint, there are many ways to have a great summer while being more intentional about the ways we spend resources.


You can have a great time in your own city or region.  A few nights camping in your own backyard can change the way you experience your own space.  Check out your local bureau of tourism to find festivals and attractions in your own area.  Money, energy, and a few road trip headaches can be avoided by finding events close to home. Many of us forget to explore locally first.  Hidden gems in your own home town or 100 mile radius can give you a greater appreciation for local area. For more ideas for getting kids outside, check out the Center for the New American Dream.    It's important to remember that lots of fun can be had without spending much money at all. 


If you do plan to travel this summer, consider a carbon offset for the fossil fuels consumed during our time of leisure. Consider the Appalachian Carbon Partnership website or find another certified offset at The International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance website.  Or consider a trip that helps educate and engage the great needs of the world and speaks to your Christian faith.  A Mission trip or Christian Camping of Conference experience within your region can give you and your family a new view on your community.  If you're looking to stretch out, you can consider connecting with the work being done by the PC(USA) all over the world.  While not restricted to the Summer, you can find trips by checking out this page.


If you have any great ideas for a Simple Summer, please send them to and they will be posted on this blog.



Tags: reflection action trips, simplicity, summer, vacation