Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) blogs

Explorations in Just Living

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Welcome to the blog of the Enough for Everyone program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). By "just living" we mean both justice-based living and just simply living – freeing ourselves from the clutter of stuff so we can focus on living faithfully and living well. Join us in the exploration!

About the Author
Bryce Wiebe coordinates Enough for Everyone, a ministry of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. He loves slow food and is fascinated by the way things are made.  He is excited to dive into experiments in simplicity with you.  His sacred cow of consumption: kitchen gadgets.

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November 6, 2009

Join us! Journey to the Coffee Lands

In January we are sponsoring a Delegation to Nicaragua. Participants will have the opportunity to experience Nicaragua, Fair Trade and the church's work there firsthand.

January 16-23, 2010

This delegation is perfect for anyone involved in a congregation, college or camp that uses Fair Trade or Sweat-Free Ts, has hosted a holiday bazaar using Fair Trade products, or simply wants to learn more. Delegates will:

The trip is sponsored by PC(USA), Equal Exchange, and CEPAD (the council of Protestant churches in Nicaragua).

Applications are due Nov 20. For info and an application contact (774) 776-7366 or Some scholarship assistance is available.

Please consider joining us and pass the word to others who may be interested!

PS: The cost is $525, plus airfare. The $525 is all-inclusive of meals, lodging, translation, in-country transportation, etc. The only extra needed is a small amount of spending money for snacks or souvenirs.