Brian Frick is the Associate for Camp and Conferences Ministries with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He has been involved in camp and conference ministry since high school. For the past ten years, Brian has served as program director of Johnsonburg Center in New Jersey, Westminster Woods in California, and Heartland Center in Missouri.
Camp and conference ministry compliments and partners with other ministry aspects of our church to foster faith development and reflection. As our communities and our church changes, our ministries need to grow and adapt with creative and emergent programming and leadership to meet new realities.
These blogs entries, though varied, are intended to spur thought and conversation around the opportunities and challenges before us.
10-A, the amendment to the Book of Order's ordination requirement removing the 'fidelity and chastity' requirements, has been approved by enough Presbyteries to pass. This happened on Tuesday May 11, 2011. The following links will help you learn more about...
I was able to experience the vast depth of talented young adults we have in our ministry this past week when I spent a weekend sailing. The young man who sailed us around in his yacht was so talented and...
How do we know when we are thriving and not just surviving? If we are not striving to be the best at what we do, we will miss opportunities. Focusing on surviving is not enough anymore. We remain relevant if...
This year, the PC(USA) has begun to develop email “blasts” sharing highlights of ministry areas. You should be receiving an email from PC(USA) Camp and Conference Ministries office. The email will lift up resources specific to camp and conference ministry...