Thinking the Faith, Praying the Faith, Living the Faith is written by the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship.
Thinking, praying, and living the faith is at the core of ministry in the Office of Theology and Worship. In the following videos, learn more about what thinking, praying, and living the faith means to the leadership of the Office of Theology and Worship. Discover why it matters and what difference it makes in our lives, work, and worship.
Charles Wiley
Barry Ensign-George
David Gambrell
Christine Hong
Karen Russell
Unity is an action, not a settled state that we achieve and can rest on. Unity is a participation thing, not something external to us. Unity is waiting to be lived today, not something settled in the past. It is a painful time across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) . . .
There’s been some talk lately about being a “theological affinity group” and there’s likely to be more. Some say that it is bad to form such groups, others say that such groups could be helpful within the PC(USA). As we discuss all this it is important to bear in mind a truth that is so obvious that it often gets overlooked: the PC(USA) is a theological affinity group.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a denomination in the church. What does that mean?
"Come on, people! We're dying here! Let's go!" is an odd thing to say to motivate your children to get a move on.
We have arrived at the moment when our disagreements take institutional form. How do we do this? How do we live this moment faithfully?