Michael Kruse is chair of the General Assembly Mission Council
This blog is for General Assembly Mission Council leadership. Others are welcome to observe, but comments and discussion are limited to GAMC members and individuals designated by Mike Kruse.
We hope that by raising our awareness of the GAMC ministry context we will provide even more effective governance as GAMC elected members.
Linked articles and commentary on this blog do not necessarily reflect the positions of the GAMC or the PC(USA). They are presented here as information and for the purposes of fostering discussion.
Here are this week’s links. Grace and peace to everyone on this Easter weekend.
Giving Trends
A new survey on congregational giving. Developing trends include members being able to make contributions with credit cards at a kiosk in the church, allowing them to designate giving.
Personal Finance at Church
Programs helping people manage personal finances is becoming a popular congregational ministry. The author of the article is probably a little cynical but the article is still informative.
Why churches are a hotbed for finance education
Clergy Communities of Practice
A piece at the Faith and Leadership blog about the use of pastor peer groups, or clergy communities of practice, in the UCC.
Peer groups change the work of denominational officials in Massachusetts UCC
Long-Term Congregational Missions
The intro says “Congregations are trading short-term 'love 'em and leave 'em' missions for long-term partnerships.” Compassion International and the Willow Creek Association are partnering in an initiative that helps pair churches in cross-cultural mission, developing just partnerships and avoiding some of the past pitfalls short-term mission models.
Green Gap
Marketing Daily finds that only a small minority of Americans are influenced to buy green products despite many having good intentions about the environment.