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Better Together provides a space to share experiences with – and strategies for engaging – three critical global issues that PC(USA) global partners are challenging us to address together as the body of Christ.  These three issues are 1) addressing root causes of poverty, especially as it impacts women and children; 2) sharing the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ; and 3) working for reconciliation in cultures of violence, including our own.  The purpose of Better Together is to feed a conversation to shape concrete action strategies at the October 2012 “Dallas II: Better Together” consultation and beyond. 

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July 9, 2012

Dallas II - Part 2: Collective Impact

Why "Better Together"? Simply put, the philosophy behind the Dallas II Mission Consultation - the philosophy behind partnering with others in global mission - is the understanding that the proclamation of the Kingdom of God is more effectively realized when done so in community. Christ ministered in the context of the Twelve Disciples, and when sending them out, did so by sending them in pairs (Mark 6:7ff). We are reminded that where two or three are gathered, there Christ is, also (Matthew 18:20). We understand that, as Christians and disciples, we are called to community - community which nurtures, edifies, and enhances the Gospel work we are about. This work is done better when it is done together. And we, as Christians, are not the only ones to realize this! Working under the theory that greater good is accomplished when there is an overlap and support of related groups and organizations, John Kania & Mark Kramer did study and research to such an end, with education as their focus. Their discoveries and insights can be found by clicking here.   And it is from their results that we commend this article to you for consideration as we move toward the Dallas II even in October. We encourage you to read it over, reflect upon it, and then ask yourself, "How might our various organizations and groups make a greater impact for God's Kingdom by following this method?" We're excited to hear your answers, and look forward to the discussion that comes from them. Thank you for participating!

Tags: cgis, collective impact, community, dallas ii, kingdom of god, mission