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2018 Tread Lightly for Lent and Eco-Palm Orders Open

Daily Reflection-Action calendar for Lent

In Lent, we reflect on Christ’s ministry, death, and resurrection. We slow down, take time, and examine our internal spiritual lives and the way we live out our Christian faith in the world around. This Lenten calendar begins with ways to prepare ourselves for the Lent and Easter season and then moves to weekly foci of women, creation, water, consumption, and social justice. Ideas for action can be used by congregations as well as individuals.

Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday

Have you ordered Eco-Palms for your Palm Sunday celebration yet? An incredible 1,052 PC(USA) congregations ordered Eco-Palms in 2017! Learn more and place your order before the March 4th deadline!

Eco-Palms in a processional, Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church



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