Amendment 14-F of the Directory for Worship in the Book of Order has been approved by a majority of the presbyteries. View a video message from the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, which also is available in Spanish;[Español] and Korean [한국어]. Read and share a document with questions and answers related to the action, and a pastoral letter from the Moderator and Vice Moderator of the General Assembly here as well. All of these materials, and other downloadable resources, are available at

Lea este artículo en Español.
개정안 14-F가 승인되다

Other resources:

Video transcript:

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

It appears from unofficial voting tallies that amendment 14-F of the Directory for Worship in the Book of Order has been approved by a majority of the presbyteries. The approval allows Teaching Elders wider discretion in whose weddings they may conduct and Sessions wider discretion in whose weddings it may host. That discretion could include same gender marriages in states where that is permitted.

It is important to note that the determination of what couple a Teaching Elder will marry has and will continue to be with that Teaching Elder. Likewise, the determination by a Session as to whose weddings a congregation will host remains solely with the Session. There is nothing in the amendment to compel any Teaching Elder to conduct a wedding against his or her judgment, nor a Session to host one against its judgment.

The Book of Order in F-3.0105 encourages us to exercise mutual forbearance toward each other when we differ. That forbearance should show itself in respect and genuine care for each other. As a church the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has received much grace from God in Jesus Christ. We should extend that grace to each other in all gentleness as we live into this chapter of our common life.

There will be additional resources to help us understand and dialogue about the approved amendment soon at

This transcript also is available in Spanish;[Español] and Korean [한국어].

Lea este artículo en Español.
개정안 14-F가 승인되다