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Mental Health Ministry

Deadline for Mental Health Ministry Grant Applications is May 1, 2024.

Presbyterian Mental Health Initiative A churchwide mental health initiative (Item 10-11) was adopted by the 223rd General Assembly in 2018. It called for: (1) a new grant program, (2) a new churchwide mental health network, (3) a churchwide survey of mental health ministry, (4) review and update of Comfort My People: A Policy Paper on Serious Mental Illness (2008), (5) a report with follow-up recommendations to the 2020 General Assembly. In February 2020, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board voted unanimously to forward the resulting report: (Item 02-094) On Furthering Mental Health Ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA), to the 224th General Assembly . The grant program has been extended into 2023/2024.

Mental Health Ministry Grant Program

All PCUSA congregations, mid-councils and seminaries are eligible to apply for one-time ‘seed’ grants to initiate projects that will help educate, equip, and empower churches to reach out to, and with, people with mental health concerns and their loved ones. The goal is to expand mental health awareness and understanding, end stigma surrounding mental illnesses, and expand the capacity of ministers and congregants to engage in mental health ministry. Please note: Funding cannot be used for degree program scholarships, permanent staff positions, or subsidizing individual counseling sessions. PCUSA entities (not individuals) are eligible to apply. More information and application materials.

Resources for Mental Health Ministry

Currently there are three curated and archived collections of resources to support you in mental health ministry. These are designed for individual use and by leadership in mental health ministry.

PCUSA Churchwide Mental Health Survey

In October 2019, five demographic groups (person-in-pew, church leaders, ministers, mid-councils, seminaries) were surveyed to develop a churchwide picture of mental health ministry in the PC(USA). There were 6000 respondents, including nearly 4000 ministers. Overall, the survey found that respondents want to address issues of mental health. However, many do not feel equipped and want to learn more. Survey findings formed the basis of the follow-up recommendations in: On Furthering Mental Health Ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Results from Presbyterian Research Services for each demographic group:

For more information about the mental health grant program, please contact:
Lacey Hunter – Manager, Finance and Administration –

Presbyterian Mental Health Ministry Grant Program

Mental Health Grant Recipients Map

Origin of the Grant Program

On the 10th anniversary of Comfort My People: A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness (2008), the 223rd General Assembly (2018) established a two-year Mental Health Initiative with funding for a $250,000 grant program spread over 2019–20 to empower Presbyterian congregations, mid councils and seminaries to address mental health. The grant program has spurred innovation in mental health ministries across the denomination. An additional $60,000 was authorized by the 225th General Assembly to extend the grant funding into 2023/2024.

Purpose of the Grant Program

This grant program provides “seed money” for Presbyterian congregations, mid councils and seminaries to initiate or advance mental health ministries that educate, equip and empower churches to reach out to and with people living with mental health issues and their loved ones:

• To expand mental health awareness, understanding of mental health issues and advocacy for mental health services.
• To eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health, especially serious mental illnesses.
• To become more welcoming, inclusive and supportive faith communities for people living with mental health concerns.

Priority is given to funding projects with the widest potential impact that fulfill one or more of the Comfort My People Action Recommendations for congregations, mid councils and seminaries adopted by the 223rd General Assembly.

Please note: Funding cannot be used for degree program scholarships, permanent staff positions, or subsidizing individual counseling sessions.

Applying to the Grant Program

Before starting your application, you are encouraged to read through the application form and all supplemental documents found below:
Applicant’s Guide
Guía para solicitantes sobre el proceso de subvenciones del ministerio de salud mental
정신건강 사역 보조금 신청 절차 안내

Grant Application Form (fillable PDF form) (Word Doc Version)
Formulario de solicitud de subvención del ministerio de salud mental
정신 건강 사역 기금 신청서 (한국어)

Comfort My People Action Recommendations for Congregations, Mid-Councils, and Seminaries adopted by the 223rd GA (2018)
Recomendaciones de acción de Comfort My People (Consuela a mi pueblo)
내 백성을 위로하라 행동 권고안 제 223차 총회(2018) 채택, 항목 10-11

Tips for Writing a Strong Grant Proposal
Consejos para Escribir una Solicitud Exitosa
효과적인 보조금 신청서 작성을 위한 조언

Description of Projects Awarded Grants in Cycle 1 of 2, 2019
Beneficiarios del programa de subvenciones del Ministerio de Salud Mental Ciclo 1 de 2, 2019
정신건강 사역 보조금 프로그램 수령자2019년 제 1주기

All grant applicants must be PCUSA entities. Individuals are not eligible to apply. To facilitate the widest impact and sharing of good project ideas, congregations applying for grants are expected to share the grant application with their presbytery and seek an endorsement letter for the project.
Completed applications should be submitted by email to:
Lacey Hunter – Manager, Finance and Administration –

Timeline for Processing Applications

The next cycle of grant applications will be due May 1, 2024.
For more information, please contact either:
Lacey Hunter – Manager, Finance and Administration –
Kathy Riley, Associate for Emotional and Spiritual Care –


Mental Health Ministry 2021

Curated collection of resources & links: Equipping faith communities for mental health ministry in a pandemic-changed world. From Presbyterian Church (USA)
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